
The concept of NexeArt Capital, an Art investment, Art asset management compagny and Art fund

« Creator of Choice and Investment Solutions in Art »
« Consulting and Expertise in Private Art Asset Management »

Art is today a strong and growing international market. Less sensitive to economic crises and geopolitical events than other financial assets, the art market differs from other assets such as shares or real estate.

Independent of the economic and stock market, the art market obeys its own rules, is self-regulating and its growth remains constant. Thus the return on investment can be dazzling in certain cases and favours capital increases.

NexeArt Capital, an art private equity and art asset management company, has the advantage of knowing this market in detail and identifying the most relevant works of art, which can generate considerable added value over the long term.

By combining the best of asset finance and contemporary art expertise within its management team, nexeart capital aims to :


Advise :

  • Understand your tastes, identify your preferences and adapt to your constraints, whether they are financial or asset-based.
  • To make art accessible to all at the best price is the mission that the partners of NexeArt Capital have set themselves.
  • To help you understand the challenges of the market and identify what works best for your clients and their investment strategy.
  • Define a buying strategy and select the best works that reflect your personal interest and your wealth investment desires (tax, rate of return target, capital gains, portfolio diversification objectives). short, medium or long term investments
  • NexeArt Capital and its art and asset finance experts will guide you in building your collection according to your artistic affinities and investment objectives in order to determine a focus that will support your collection or simply allow you to enrich your collection
  • Access to the best works on the market available at more attractive prices than those in galleries and auction houses thanks to the control of the end-to-end chain: sourcing, authentication, purchase and resale via a single intermediary.
  • The sourcing is done upstream by our experts, it is also carried out with renowned galleries, ready to accompany new collectors, this quality sourcing allows you to benefit from a discount on purchase.
  • To create the first virtual market place for contemporary art exclusively for asset management professionals/investors and enthusiasts looking for the nugget. This offer allows you to provide an exclusive service to your clients in order to benefit from a rare investment, a safe haven with high added value.
  • We offer you a wide selection of established, historic artists as well as young, up-and-coming international contemporary artists capable of offering you a return on investment in the long term, depending on the investment horizon envisaged (short, medium and long term) and your investment objectives.
  • Access to a club of art experts where excellence, creation and an informed eye are the key words (vip club & privileged access on annual subscription at 800€ / year or 99€ per month)
  • NexeArt Capital guarantees discretion, confidentiality and expertise. thanks to our certified and recognised experts, the traceability, provenance and expertise of the works are guaranteed.

« To know and make known the signatures of contemporary artists on which to invest: « This is our expertise ».

Investing :

Acquiring a work of art is an aesthetic and financial investment, a way to combine pleasure and profitability.

If speculation makes the art market more volatile, even opaque, the investment is often beneficial in the long term. Time is the key to developing an artist’s reputation.

This rating is based on various criteria: career path, references, promotion by galleries, museums or institutions, networks, collectors, prices obtained, auction results, rarity of works, media coverage, etc.

Investing in this field requires close attention to the various private or public actions (institutions, galleries, auctions, collectors, artists, etc.).

Knowing this market in great detail and identifying the most relevant works, whose added value can be considerable over the long term, are the assets of the NexeArt Capital team.

After having identified your needs, understood your preferences and established a public or private purchase strategy, in france or internationally. NexeArt Capital is able to anticipate fluctuations, seize new offers and opportunities, and ensure the quality and value of your acquisitions by negotiating the best possible transaction on your behalf.

Our Expertise

There is an infinite choice to be made when buying a work of art:

Which artist?  Which medium?  Which period? What scale? Is the price right? What are your acquisition objectives (investment, holding, IRR, capital gain, wealth investment), which is why we encourage expertise in the field of art investment advice, whose intrinsic foundations lie in integrity, professional ethics and quality sourcing.

In contemporary and urban art:

  • Certified expert of the C.E.C.O.A. (European Chamber Of Art Consultants) in contemporary and urban art. Thus, every work is presented with a certificate of authenticity to ensure the origin and traceability of the piece.
  • Expert in numerous auctions, sourcing for private collections and renowned galleries.

Private equity and investment strategies:

Knowledge of finance and wealth management with respect to the roles and careers of founders in leading private equity firms where profitability, choice, solutions and expertise are the keys to success.